Professor of Public Policy, University of Maryland School of Public Policy
Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council
Chernin Professor of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley
Over the past decade there has been a substantial increase in scholarly activity devoted to comparative policy analysis spurred by the advent of the European Union and the dynamics of globalization. Many policymakers, practitioners, academics and students express a rising interest in learning about how public officials in other countries are trying to address problems such as poverty, unemployment, environmental decline, health, education, and mass transportation. Drawing on that interest, this series intends to advance critical discourse and the interpenetration of ideas about the design and impact of public policies. What can we learn from each other? The central objective of this series is to generate new insights into the most challenging issues of public policy through original research and objective analyses that compare the experiences of countries throughout the world.
The editors are responsible for commissioning and developing titles in this series. To view all volumes in this series, click here.
The editors invite submission of manuscripts on a wide-range of international comparative analyses. ( View a guide for manuscripts ).